Dagestan Head meets with Sheikh Mustafa Dib al-Bug

Makhachkala, August 26, 2016. On Thursday, August 25, Dagestan Head Ramazan Abdulatipov met with Dr. of Sharia Sciences, professor of Qatar and Oman Universities, Sheikh Mustafa al-Deeb Bug.

Having greeted the guest, Ramazan Abdulatipov expressed the hope that all Sheikh Mustafa’s efforts in the sphere of religious education would be implemented with a great benefit to the people of Dagestan.

"As we know, in the Holy Quran the words “science” and “knowledge” are repeated many times, it means that Muslims need to be educated", - Dagestani Head stated.

In his turn, Dr. of Sharia Sciences noted: "I visit different countries and watch the dynamics in the development of Islam. The positive trends are noticeable even in Singapore. Only 13% of the population practice the Islamic religion there, but at the same time, I could freely preach. "

The prospects for the development of Dagestan University for the Humanities were touched upon at the meeting.  "We must pay more attention to the humanitarian university. I believe that the degree certificate of this university should have an international status, and at the same time, having graduated the university, a student shouldn’t only get a diploma of religious education, but a profession too. It is our goal with the mufti, and we will try to achieve it ", - Ramazan Abdulatipov said.

The acting of Dagestan Mufti -Mahdi Haji Mutailov thanked Dagestani Head for the organization of the meeting and told about the purpose of the visit of Mustafa Dib al-Bug in Dagestan:  "We have agreed with the sheikh that he will be teaching students in the master's at Dagestan University for the Humanities within a year."

Summarizing, Ramazan Abdulatipov instructed to organize a round table devoted to the development prospects of Dagestan University for the Humanities with the republic's leadership, the university and muftiat RD participations.

Dagestan Head also thanked the Sheikh and noted: "Such meetings are good experience in education and wisdom."

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