Dagestan presents project at Russian Investment Forum

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Makhachkala, March 1, 2017. On February 27, the Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, taking part in the forum "Sochi-2017", visited the stand of the North Caucasus Development Corporation, where the investment project of Dagestan entitled "The development of international cruise shipping in the Caspian Sea" was presented.

As to the Head of the region Ramazan Abdulatipov, the project is interesting for the tourists from the countries of the Caspian Sea basin and the world.
It should be noted that the client base for cruise ships across the Caspian Sea is determined by its special geographical situation and the needs of Russia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Iran and Turkmenistan.

In this context, the strategic direction of the tourist potential development of the Caspian region could become the infrastructure of sea ports development that is reflected as a priority in the "Transport Strategy of the Russian Federation for the period till 2030", approved by the RF Government Decree  of June 11, 2014. Besides, a ferry service between Russia and Turkmenistan has already opened in the Caspian Sea.

The project envisages the construction of a harbor for cruise ships, yachts and boats in Makhachkala port, including quays and mooring systems, a ship-lifting slipway for boats and yachts, an open platform and a hangar for parking boats.

The marine station with the passenger turnover of 30 thousand people per year (maximum capacity of 300 people), a hotel complex and the waterfront artificially formed sandy beaches will be constructed too.

The harbor will be located on the waters of Makhachkala port between the northern breakwater dry-cargo harbor and the south pier shipyard.

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