Dagestan to deliver cognac production in Japan

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Makhachkala, December 22, 2016. On December 21, Osaka (Japan) hosted a presentation of Dagestan cognac, the special advisor to the All-Russian organization "Support of Russia" in the city of Fukuoka, Vice-President of Dagestan Industrialists and Entrepreneurs’ Union Magomed Aliyev informs.

According to Aliyev, Dagestani Cognac Company intends to deliver 400 boxes of cognac and cognac production to Japan. The first products will arrive in January 2017.

"About 200 Japanese businessmen attended the presentation of Dagestan cognac. Earlier this summer, the Japanese delegation visited the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Kizlyar cognac factory". Then the officials decided to explore the investment potential of Dagestan factories and to work further on the details of supplying cognac products to the Japanese market.

The major purpose of the presentation is to promote products of Kizlyar and Derbent Cognac Factory to the world market, and Japan is the main customer. Besides, it is possible that in the future, the supply volumes will increase, "- Magomed Aliyev noted.

Recall Dagestani cognac gained increasing recognition not only in Russia and abroad. Especially, Kizlyar and Derbent cognacs are in high demand. 10 enterprises with the total capacity of approx. 2 million dekaliters per year produce cognac in Dagestan.

It should be noted, that the parties also discussed the prospects of cooperation between Dagestan universities and Fukuoka Prefecture. A center of Japanese culture may be opened on the basis of one of the higher educational institutions in Dagestan.

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