Dagestan to present innovative composite technologies at Sochi Investment Forum

2 минуты
Makhachkala, February 11, 2019. Dagestan regional authorities intend to submit two projects at the Russian Investment Forum in Sochi and to conclude about 10 agreements, including on interregional cooperation, Gadji Gasanov, the acting director of the Agency for Entrepreneurship and Investments informed says.

“We are presenting two projects. One of them is associated with the creation of a modern innovative enterprise for the production of composite materials. It is suggested to provide import substitution and export supply to the other regions of the country to meet the demand for high-quality products. The project also aims to increase industrial efficiency, protect the environment, improve the environmental situation and increase energy efficiency. The initiator of the project is Inkomtech LLC” - Gasanov noted.

As to the official, it is also planned to submit a project for the construction of a cement plant with a production volume of 1.8 million tons of cement per year.
“The initiator of the project, CJSC Interregional Production and Resource Corporation GRAS, is planning to build the first energy-efficient cement plant in the Republic of Dagestan using the latest technologies of the world's leading specializing companies. The project envisages using nanotechnology of cement production, taking into account all the requirements for ensuring environmental and industrial safety, as well as the maximum reduction of the technogenic load on the environment” – the Agency head concluded.

Recall, the Russian Investment Forum will be held in Sochi in the Main Media Center of the Olympic Park on February 14-15. The international meetings of economists and businessmen at the highest level will be organized here. Major contracts may be concluded. The main topic of the Forum this year is the implementation of national projects.

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