Dagestan Trade Ministry inspects potential investment site in Kizlyar

Kizlyar, February 27, 2015. Officials from the republican ministry of industry, trade and investment inspected a potential investment site in Kizlyar, the ministry’s press service told RIA Dagestan.

"Experts examined the land and the surrounding area of the potential investment site. After examination, the commission approved of the logistics of the investment site’s location and offered the city administration to prepare all the necessary documentation to submit an application for the area’s investment site status," detailed the source.

The investment site will be potentially occupied by KUMK LLC (modernizing the production capacity to improve the product quality and maintain competitiveness in the market), Yuzhnaya Korona LLC (organizing production of Russian and Dagestan art and crafts items and manufacturing construction materials), Dom Stroi LLC (recycling rubber and plastic waste via low-temperature pyrolysis), Monolit BM LLC (building a plant producing construction materials like bricks and foam blocks), and others.

This work is part of Dagestan development priority project named "Growth points - investment and effective territorial management".

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