Foreign trade turnover of Dagestan increases by 5% in 9 months of 2024

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According to the results of the first nine months of 2024, the foreign trade turnover of Dagestan increased by 5% compared to the same period of 2023. Exports grew by 8%, while imports increased by 3%. Main export goods included glass, live animals, meat products, cereals and fish.

Over the past four years, despite the challenges of the pandemic and sanctions, Dagestan’s exports have significantly increased, from $56 million to $162 million. Foreign trade in Dagestan shows a steady growth trend, increasing by 12-15% annually.

From 2022 to 2024, Dagestan received 187 million rubles under the federal program for subsidizing transportation of goods. The Export Support Center of the republic also provided financial assistance to exporters totaling $3.5 million.

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