"Lean Production" program to be implemented in Dagestan
1 минута
Makhachkala, August 2, 2018. According to information given by the press service of the Republican Multi-Functional Center, the "Lean Production" program curator of the State Atomic Energy Corporation "Rosatom" Vladimir Arzhentsov arrived in Dagestan with a working visit.
According to the source, the Republic of Dagestan has been included in the list of 7 seven Russia’s regions selected for the implementation of the Lean Manufacturing Concept, the main purpose of which is to strive the exclusion of all kinds of costs. Besides, the program involves participation in the optimization procedure for each employee.
Vladimir Arzhentsov specified that the Rosatom employees will arrive in the republic in a month. They will assist in training specialists of the regional working group set up to implement the project.
The guests accompanied by the head of the Republican multifunctional center Magomedemin Arslanaliev visited the office of the institution and got familiarized with the procedure of rendering services to the population, as well as with the work of specialists within the automated system of the MFC (AIS).