Plants and factories increase processing of fruit and vegetables by 30% in Dagestan

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In 2023 Dagestan increased the fruit and vegetables processing volume by 32% compared to the last year indices. According to preliminary data, in 2023, 3 thousand 262.5 tons of fruit and vegetables were processed (including fruit - 2649.5 tons, vegetables - 613 tons.)

Besides, this year the investment projects of Khazar LLC (construction of a plant for the production of concentrated juices, purees and nectars with a capacity of 15 thousand tons per year), Irib LLC (production of fruit and vegetable juice products), as well as DagMyaso, ALIYAK and Areshevka will be implemented.

Noteworthy, the implementation of these projects will make it possible to create new capacities for meat processing - 25 tons per shift, milk - 10 tons per shift, fruit and vegetables - 38 tons per shift, rice - 120 tons per shift by 2025.

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