Volume of consumer loans in Dagestan decreases by 26.1%

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According to the data provided by the National Bureau of Credit Histories (NBCH), the aggregate volume of consumer loans in Russia during the fourth quarter of 2024 amounted to a sum of RUB 0.79 trillion. This represents a decline of 51.4% compared to the third quarter, where RUB 1.63 trillion had been issued. This is the lowest figure recorded for the entire year.

The number of loans granted also decreased by 40%, amounting to RUB 5.28 million cases. Dagestan recorded the largest decline, with a reduction of 26.1% fr om RUB 15.6 to 11.5 billion, placing the region at the 21st position.

Alexei Volkov, marketing director at NBCH, attributed this decline to the implementation of tighter monetary policies, which resulted in a cooling effect on the unsecured loan market. Banks have become more selective in their approach to borrowers, prioritizing those with strong personal credit scores and low levels of debt. The average personal credit score (PCS) for borrowers seeking consumer loans stood at 564 points.

The most significant declines in loan disbursements were observed in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), wh ere they decreased by 56.6%. The Krasnoyarsk Territory, Novosibirsk, Tyumen, and Perm regions also experienced significant reductions, with declines of 54.9%, 54.6%, 54.5%, and 54.2%, respectively. In Moscow and St. Petersburg, the decreases were 52% and 53.4%, respectively.

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