Authors of a new film about Daghestan visit the village of Khunzakh
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Makhachkala, July 17, 2014. On July 16, Said Yusupov, the head of municipal formation "Khunzakhskiy disrtict" met with the director general of State Television Broadcasting Company "Daghestan" Magomedbek Akhmedov, Kurban Ibryaev, the deputy general director of TV channel "Zerkalniy mir" and the associate professor of the faculty of directing, television, business and design of the St. Petersburg Institute Leonid Ryzhkov, the press service of the municipal administration reports.
The guests told Said Yusupov about their creative plans, familiarized him with the scenario of a new film about modern Daghestan, which is scheduled to be shot soon.
The main purpose of visiting Khunzakh village is to study historical places. According to guests, the plot of the film will consist of incorporated stories about the legendary hero of the Caucasian War Hadji Murat, written by Gamzat Tsadasa and Rasul Gamzatov.
The Head of the district and historian-ethnographer Alibeg Kazanbiev showed visitors the historical sites, Abulmuslim-Sheikh ziyarat, Alikhanovs house, visited places associated with Hadji Murat and Gamzat Tsadasa House-Museum.