The exhibition "Dagestan Weapons" from collections of the P.S. Gamzatov Dagestan Museum of Fine Arts and the A. Takho-Godi National Museum of the Republic of Dagestan has opened at Tula State Arms Museum as part of the national project "Culture". This is the first time such a unique and large-scale exhibition of artistic weapons created by Dagestan craftsmen is held in Tula.
The project presents the finest exhibits from the collections of two leading museums in the republic. The exhibition features more than 200 pieces from the 18th and 20th centuries, including daggers, sabres, finkas, flintlock rifles, and pistols. Apart from the weapons, the exhibition includes ammunition and warriors' uniforms crafted from precious and non-precious metals, ivory, horn, leather, wood, glass and enamel.
Seven silver insignia of Imam Shamil dated 40-50s of the 19th century with Arabic inscriptions, a highlander's costume, as well as a yatagan made by a Kubachi master in 1987 take a special place in the exhibition. "Dagestani weapons" is located in the helmet building of Tula State Arms Museum and will be open to the public till November 17.