Young pianists from Kizlyar win International contest "Believe in your star"

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Makhachkala, April 4, 2018. The VIII international contest-festival of scenic and artistic art "Believe in your star" has taken place April 2 in Georgievka, Stavropol Territory, the press service of Kizlyar administration informs.

The students of the piano department of Kizlyar children's art school No. 2 Kira Rudakova and Irina Bondareva took part in the competition. They performed the works of Dagestani composer Gottfried Gasanov and I st degree became laureates of the creative contest.

The piano department teacher of the School № 2 Elena Boronina noted that Kira Rudakova was a very talented girl and played beautifully on the piano. "I did not doubt the success of my pupil, who, despite the heavy load, is able to master the school subjects perfectly" - Boronina said. AS to the tutor, the girls will continue to work over some new compositions.  

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