Vladimir Putin meets with Daghestani Head Ramazan Abdulatipov

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Moscow, July 4, 2014. Daghestan Head briefed Vladimir Putin on the socio-economic situation in the region. Particular attention was paid to the issues of employment.

VLADIMIR PUTIN: Ramazan Gadzhimuradovich, I have standard questions: what is the situation in the republic, how do the economy and social sphere develop in Daghestan?

R.ABDULATIPOV: Thank you, Vladimir Vladimirovich for the regular meetings with us - it is very important for us. And according to Your purpose, we restore political accountability and elementary order in the Republic of Daghestan, the culture and consciousness of Daghestanis are changing. The terrorists and extremists are gradually losing support and sympathy among population since You appointed me to the position of Daghestani Head.

Today there is a different situation, Daghestani people get uniquely focused on being creative. And thanks to these activity we achieved some success, although, concerning Daghestan - the crisis-stricken region, success is a delicate subject to handle. However, in terms of economic development, the republic takes one of the leading positions in Russia.

Daghestan occupies the forth position among the regions of the Russian Federation in tax collection rates by results of 2013. The index of industrial development also increases. However, the basic state of Daghestan economy is still quite damaged, and, of course, we need the support, especially, perhaps, moral and political support.

When I analyze this situation, I often repeat myself: this is the same situation that happened with the Russian Federation in 2000 and Your experience to overcome crisis is very important for us. I intend to achieve more stable situation with Your support, with Your understanding, we'll make Daghestan to become one of the most successful regions of the Russian Federation.

VLADIMIR PUTIN: The most sensitive issue is the problem of unemployment, especially among the youth. Is there some improvement in this sphere?

R.ABDULATIPOV: The unemployment problem is partly linked to the fact that young people make up around 30 percent of the republican population. Still, we achieved positive results and unemployment dropped a little in 2013 

Specifically, the vine growing industry is expanding and we reconstruct the vineyard clusters: last year we planted 1870 of hectares, this year it is planned to cultivate more than 3.5 thousand hectares. It means that for every hectare there are 4-5 persons engaged, respectively, we provide working places for about 10 thousand people.

Last year in October, a large sheet glass production facility opened. It is the largest plant in the North Caucasus creating 600 local jobs.

In the agriculture sector, for example, the greenhouse cultivation is also being actively developed.

I brought a few requests, in particular, it is the construction of a new textile industry facility that will create 4,000 jobs for women and a joint project with Turki sh businessmen.

VLADIMIR PUTIN: Good. Let's see.

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