Daghestani Head’s statement on situation in Ukraine
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Makhachkala, March 4, 2014. Ukraine is experiencing the stressful and tragic days of its history – blood is shed, civilians get killed, chaos and terror are in the air in towns and cities. In recent months, Ukraine and Ukrainians were exposed to nationalist and extremist attacks, open expansion from different sorts of external forces ready to undermine the nation’s integrity and create ethnic strife between the fraternal nations sharing one fertile land.
Daghestanis do support Russian President Vladimir Putin’s initiatives to help our compatriots in Ukraine. We do not forget that more than 30,000 of them are living on Ukrainian soil, and we are ready to render any possible assistance to them.
Daghestan people are painfully watching what is happening today in Ukraine and especially in the Crimea. Our multinational region cannot stay away from helping the victims. We are ready not only to provide the Crimeans with material assistance, but also to harbour them on our land. In addition, during their stay in Daghestan, children and teenagers will have everything necessary to continue their studies to keep the educational process going.
Daghestanis accept President Vladimir Putin’s orders on rendering assistance to our compatriots living in Ukraine with understanding and full support. In Daghestan districts and cities, funds for the humanitarian aid will be raised for the Autonomous Republic of Crimea.