Project of federal bypass of Derbent receives positive experts’ evaluation

1 минута

Glavgosexpertiza has approved the project and estimate documentation for the construction of the Derbent Ring Road. The new road will be a four-lane modern highway that will run along the existing R-217 Kavkaz Road on the section from 917 to 949 km. The construction of this bypass will significantly improve traffic conditions in Derbent by diverting traffic flows to the North-South corridor.

The road will be 33.1 kilometers long and its estimated cost is 27.1 billion rubles. It will allow at least 25,000 vehicles to pass per day and will increase traffic speeds (currently, the average speed is 25-30 km/h).

Glavgosexpertiza - Federal Autonomous Institution «Chief Administration of State Expert Review». The Institution conducts expert review of capital, construction, investment feasibility, study materials provided by individuals and legal entities irrespective of the source of funding, as well as public, technological and price audit.

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