Ramazan Abdulatipov and Igor Barinov visit Peoples’ Friendship Museum

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Makhachkala, December 10, 2015. On December 9, within the International Political Science Forum "Russian Caucasus", Dagestani Head Ramazan Abdulatipov together with the head of the Federal Agency for the Affairs of Nationalities Igor Barinov visited the Peoples’ Friendship Museum and the laboratory of the national costume and the national instruments.

Director of the Peoples’ Friendship Museum Tekrar Akhmedov briefed the guests with the exhibits, representing the life and culture of the peoples of Russia, unique visual and decorative arts, as well as classic and contemporary costumes of the peoples of the Caucasus.

According to Tekrar Akhmedov, Russian Peoples' Friendship Museum aims to preserve the historical heritage, to spread knowledge about the history and culture of the country, to develop the tradition of their interaction.

The fund and the museum materials reflect all the cultural and ethnic diversity of the Russian Federation. There are about 1,000 exhibits, including state symbols, costumes, household utensils, handicraft products, tools, works of art, books, photo albums, booklets, and a variety of pictures, photos and videos.

Dagestan Head stressed that the Peoples’ Friendship Museum aimed at preservation and development of the national language, the preservation of folk art, objects of material and spiritual culture.

As to Igor Barinov the museum fully reflected the national, ethnic and cultural diversity of the peoples of Russia. The distinguished guest left a note in the book of honorable guests.

Let us remind, the Peoples’ Friendship Museum was opened on Sept. 15, 2014 on the initiative of Dagestani Head.

The ethnographic objects are chronologically presented there. The work of the museum is aimed at covering the development of Russia's multi-ethnic society, inter-ethnic, inter-cultural interaction between the peoples of Russia in the different historical stages of development of the country.

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