Ramazan Abdulatipov discusses problems and prospects of development of radio broadcasting in Daghestan

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Makhachkala, April 2, 2014. On April 1, Daghestani Head held a working meeting on the development of radio broadcasting in Daghestan.

The official event brought together the executives and professionals who currently implement state policy in the field of radio broadcasting: the head of press service and information department of Daghestani Head and the Government RD Tamara Chinennaya, the minister of mass media and information Aznaur Adzhiev and other officials.

Opening the meeting, Ramazan Abdulatipov noted: "In present, the republican radio is changing. It is becoming more vulgar and foolish. Speaking about the development of radio broadcasting, we should create something quite different. This is especially important for multiethnic Daghestan. Unfortunately our TV channels have difficulties as there is no staff who can broadcast in national languages. Daghestani radio should take its worth-while place in spiritual and cultural, informational space."

The head of mass media and information of Daghestani Head and Government Administration Tamara Chinennaya reported about meeting with the leadership of Daghestani broadcasting channels. By result of the event, the leadership of Daghestani broadcasting channels agreed to cover events related to the state information policy in Daghestan and to make public objective information about the most important events in the republic.

According to Daghestani Head it is also important to develop the Russian-language radio in Daghestan. He called to preserve ethnic and cultural heritage of Daghestani peoples and to develop it in radio and television.

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