Yusup Umavov honors families of servicemen fallen in special military operation

1 минута
The Mayor of Makhachkala Yusup Umavov has met with the families of servicemen fallen in the course of the special military operation. The vice mayor of Dagestani capital Mavlidin Malikov, the head of Makhachkala Military Commissariat Omar Omarov and other officials also attended the event.

Opening the meeting, the mayor expressed his condolences to the families and friends of the fallen. "Your relatives and friends will forever remain heroes for us, the glory of the dead who fought for the Motherland will live forever. This is a great loss for everyone. These guys are real heroes, our duty is to support their relatives, no family will be left without attention. I want to wish you patience and strength to survive this grief, and we will be by your side. We will try to solve the problems. Remember, you can always count on our help" – Umavov said.  

At the end of the event Yusup Umavov handed over awards - the Order of Courage, signed by the President of the Russian Federation to the members of families of the fallen servicemen.

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