4th Russian journalist contest "There is a way out!" starts to submit applications

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Makhachkala, March 2, 2015. The foundation for supporting children from a deprived background announced they were ready to submit applications and materials for the 4th Russian journalist contest "There is a way out!", the foundation's site reports.

The contest is supported by the Federal Agency of Press and Mass Communications, the Russian Journalists’ Union, the Social Information Agency, and the Yunpress creative association.

The contest invites journalists who write about facts and events, provide their comprehensive analysis, and offer solutions to the problems of children’s and family ill-being. This is about journalists that drawing public attention to a particular situation, seek to dispel the myths and prejudices to thereby start the engine of solving the problem at all levels possible.

Competing will be articles, TV and radio pieces in four categories: "Still together" (materials on best practices of supporting families and children, preventing child abandonment, family placement of orphans, responsible parenthood, and preventing child abuse), "Our somebody else’s pain" (materials about the best practices of socializing and integrating children with disabilities and assisting families raising children with disabilities), "Mistake correction" (materials about the best practices of social adaptation and rehabilitation of troubled teens and children in conflict with the law), and "Assistance at a call’s distance" (materials on the work of the Russian helpline for children, adolescents and their parents 8-800-2000-122).

Considered will be materials published or aired April 15, 2014, to 15 April, 2015. You may apply for participation until April 15, 2015, by sending you material to kcj_fond@mail.ru. June 1, 2015 is the day the results will be announced.

The contest aims at building public awareness of abhorring child abuse, appreciating the values of responsible parenthood and sustainable patterns of parenting without violence, reducing cruelty and violence to children, and improving timely assistance to children suffering from violence or abuse.



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