Dagestan digitizes paintings on Caucasian War

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Makhachkala, September 14, 2018. The National Museum of Dagestan named after A. Taho-Godi has started work on digitization of paintings about the Caucasian War, exhibited within the framework of the project "Archives of Akhulgo". The project is implemented by the charitable foundation "Peri".

"We reached an agreement to use the equipment belonging to the foundation for digitizing the most significant works of art dedicated to the Caucasian war and the XIX century. Up to the end of this year, it is planned to scan 50 works. For the museum, all these high-resolution digital copies will provide a huge number of opportunities for the most modern projects: from the quality polygraphy and virtual exhibitions up to 3D animation" - the deputy director of the museum, Jamilya Dagirova said. Now the museum is digitizing the paintings of Theodor Gorchelt "Capture of Shamil" and Pyotr Gruzinsky "Storm Gunib", which are exhibited in permanent exposition. The photographer Gennady Viktorov makes a reproduction of each picture on special equipment. He will have to make more than a hundred pictures of different parts of the picturesque canvases, after which they will be consolidated into a single panorama, which can be used to print high-quality reproductions.

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