Dagestan Republican Clinical Hospital enters top four best health facilities in providing high-tech medical care for children

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Makhachkala, July 13, 2019. The Kuraev Children's Republican Clinical Hospital is one of the four leaders in the number of high-tech operations among the country's regions. As to Svetlana Kurbat, the deputy chief physician for medical work of the DRCH, last year 1154 patients received high-tech medical care: “Surgical, minimally invasive care was provided to 515 patients. The high-tech medical care in pediatrics was provided to 639 patients”.

Svetlana Kurbat also noted that the hospital management is constantly working to improve the professional level of the staff. Every year, surgeons and specialists are trained in specialized clinics and the federal centers.

In the future, it is planned to expand the scope of surgical, endoscopic (minimally invasive) care provided at the Children's Republican Clinical Hospital. Besides, the first children's cardiological service in the region will be organized on the basis of the health facility.

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