Dagestan State University hosts International seminar on Islamic education

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An international seminar "Issues of Islamic education (international experience)" was held within the framework of "Boiling Point" social project in Dagestan State University. The organizers of the seminar are Dagestan State University, Dagestan State University of National Economy, Bashkir Academy of Public Administration and Management, Dagestan Regional Branch of the Russian Society "Knowledge", as well as the Center for Research on Global Issues of Our Time and Regional Problems "Caucasus. Peace. Development".

During the seminar, a representative of the French Higher School of Social Sciences, Mohammed Tualbia, spoke about the current situation in the field of professional training for imams in France, the relations among the authorities and Muslim communities. Diana Galeeva from Oxford University presented the experience of Oxford Center for Islamic Studies. Besides, the participants of the seminar discussed the state of Islamic education and enlightenment in the regions of Russia.

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