Dagestan takes part in Scientific and Practical Conference "Spiritual and Moral Values as a Basis for Preventing Destructive Ideology in the Context of Modern Challenges"
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On November 30, the Centralized Religious Organization "International Islamic Mission" in Moscow hosted the scientific and practical conference "Spiritual and Moral Values as a Basis for the Prevention of Destructive Ideology in the Context of Modern Challenges".
The event participants discussed the plan of the Muslim organizations' activities in 2023-2024, adopted within the framework of the All-Russian scientific-practical conference "Modern Challenges to Traditional Values" on August 28, 2023.
The main topic of the event was the activity of public and religious organizations to ensure information and spiritual security of modern youth in Russia.
Many speakers at the Conference were winners of grant competitions for the implementation of social projects of the Centralized Religious Organization "International Islamic Mission". It was noted that in modern conditions the Russian Federation is the main defender of traditional spiritual and moral values in the international arena.