Dagestan to host II International Documentary Film Festival "RT.DOC: TIME OF OUR HEROES"


The II International Documentary Film Festival of RT TV channel "RT.DOC: TIME OF OUR HEROES" will be held on September 4-6 in Makhachkala at Dagestan State Kumyk Theater named after Alimpasha Salavatov. The festival is organized in cooperation with the Government of the Republic of Dagestan on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of defeat of the international gangs in the region.

The festival program promises to be diverse, with 15 films featuring heroes of the Soviet Union, war correspondents, medical professionals, volunteers and cultural figures. The films also cover military events of 1999. The event opens with a premiere of "Let's Live," a film by RT documentary filmmaker Ruslan Gusarov and director Artem Somov, which tells the story of three soldiers who were seriously injured in the course of a military operation.

The visitor of the festival will enjoy four other premieres. It will also be possible to meet and talk with the directors, authors and heroes of the films.

An exhibition of portraits of soldiers and war correspondents, titled "Donbass Coal," created by Ekaterina Yakovleva, the head of the RT documentary channel, will be on display in the foyer of the theater. Additionally, the "Letter to a Hero" event will be held, allowing visitors to express their support for those fighting on the front lines. Admission to all festival events is free, but registration is required in advance on the festival's official website.

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