Daghestan State Technical University, Daghestan Chamber of Commerce sign agreement
2 минуты
Makhachkala, November 14, 2014. Rector of Daghestan State Technical University Tagir Ismailov and President of Daghestan Chamber of Commerce Badrutin Magomedov signed a cooperation agreement yesterday, the press service of the university informed RIA "Dagestan".
Badrutin Magomedov said that as a DSTU alumnus, he understood pretty well how important it is to provide university graduates with basic training and extensive practice. He specified that Daghestan Chamber of Commerce can help provide the students with practical training. DSTU juniors will have practical training in production, and seniors will have an opportunity to take a paid three-month internship at the Chamber of Commerce, and the best of them will be employed right there.
DSTU Rector Tagir Ismailov said that about 2,000 students graduate from the university each year, and most of them get attached to the companies in the 3rd year of studies, and the companies employ them after graduation. Meanwhile, the university is actively developing, expanding the number of majors, areas and sciences.
Moreover, Daghestan enterprises set up basic departments for students to have practice during their studies. The university’s center for advanced training and retraining does the same to help 3,800 people within only a year improve their skills and obtain new knowledge in more than 200 programs. The university has signed 596 internship contracts with various companies. This is an effectively working system.
The climax of the meeting was signing the agreement which cemented the parties’ mutual consent to strengthen the positive image of Daghestan in Russia and foreign countries, to provide interaction in developing research and education, to train highly qualified scientific personnel, to assist in organizing and providing training and work practices, to provide internship to the teaching staff, to conduct joint sociological research in areas of mutual interest, to establish business, scientific and educational links and contacts; to hold scientific conferences, to collaborate on joint innovation projects, to organize science festivals and exhibitions of innovation products, to promotion and popularize science, etc.
Activities under the agreement will be coordinated by the Coordination Council operating in the Dagestan Chamber of Commerce at the premises of Daghestan State Technical University.