Infant mortality drops off 26.8% in Daghestan over past 2 years

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Makhachkala, September 8, 2014. Over the past 2 years, infant mortality in Daghestan has been reduced by 26.8%, head of Daghestan healthcare ministry’s press service Zarina Agmadova informed RIA "Dagestan". For the first half of 2014, the infant mortality rate has dropped to 11.2 per 1,000 births. For the same period of 2013, it was 11.7, while in 2012 it was 15.3.

Reducing maternal and infant mortality is still a major issue in Daghestan. In recent years, they adopted a number of legislative acts and republican target programs aimed at improving the demographic situation and maintaining women and children’s health which have affected the dynamic progress provided by the mother child care services. Improving the demographic situation and the quality and accessibility of healthcare and mother child care remains the main strategic objectives to the Russian and Daghestan healthcare ministries.

To further decrease maternal mortality rate in Daghestan healthcare facilities, they arrange monitoring of pregnant women, establish remote obstetrical consulting centers providing mobile resuscitation and neonatal intensive care teams, and develop sanitary aviation. Also, they are installing a three-tier system of pregnant women and newborns’ care and training the medical staff of maternity facilities in local perinatal centers.

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