Large group of journalists from LE COURRIER DE RUSSIE visits Dagesatn

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Makhachkala, July 13, 2016. A large group of journalists from the Le Courrier de Russie (Russian weekly) arrived in Dagestan. They had already visited Makhachkala, Tsumadinsky and Gunibsky districts and the ancient Derbent on July 11.

Le Courrier de Russie is the only socio-political and business newspaper in French, published in Russia since December 2002. Emmanuel Quidet, the head of the Franco-Russian Chamber of Commerce (CCIFR) and Jean-Luc Pipon, the former managing director of the legal department of Sberbank CIB and the director of the "New Century Media" JSC Jean-Felix De La Ville Bose which publishes Le Courrier de Russie are the weekly founders.

Le Courrier de Russie seeks to significantly cover the events in political, economic, cultural and sports life and to shape an objective view of Russian reality for the readers. Each edition contains analysis, commentaries and interviews with Russian and French writers, artists, musicians, politicians and businessmen.

"We want to tell the citizens of Russia and France about each other, avoiding clichés and stereotypes. We decided to tell the French-speaking audience about Dagestan in the latest newspaper with the total circulation of 20 thousand copies” - one of the journalists Tom Gras said in conversation with Dagestan colleagues.

In Derbent the journalists have been accompanied by the deputy head of local administration Mehdi Aliyev. The guests visited the main places of interest of the city - the citadel Naryn-Kala and in the Juma mosque, as well as got familiarized with the process of production of cognacs and wines at Derbent cognac plant.


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