More than 400 Daghestan children to spend vacation in Crimea

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Makhachkala, July 21, 2014. More than 400 children from Makhachkala airport have departed for the children's camp "Mayak" in Crimea.

The first deputy Prime Minister RD Anatoly Karibov came to see off the children on holiday. He noted that most vacationers are orphans and children from poor families.

"We have been preparing for this event and found the most comfortable and convenient way to transport children. The vacations for children are financed from the federal budget. The children will stay in Crimea for 21 days. Dring this time they will have a good rest, gain strength and new forces to start a new school year. We also want to send the other 100 children on August 8 "- Karibov noted.

In total, 440 people from Daghestan will fly in Crimea within two flights, among them 20 counselors on board.

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