"My Daghestan. Confession" shown at 36th Moscow International Film Festival
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Makhachkala, July 1, 2014. On June 27, new documentary drama "My Daghestan. Confession" about Daghestan poet Rasul Gamzatov’s life and career was shown at the 36th Moscow International Film Festival, the press service of the Daghestan head and government’s administration reports.
The film is based on Rasul Gamzatov’s popular book "My Daghestan". It was shot by director Murad Ibragimbekov on the background of the poet’s native Tsada village, Hunzakh region, as well as in Makhachkala and Derbent. The story was scripted by a famous playwright, producer Rustam Ibragimbekov in collaboration with Daghestani Head Ramazan Abdulatipov. The film cast is: Daghestan actors Gadji Ibragimov, Gusseyin Kaziev, Hadizhat Djamaludinova, Abdulhalik Abdulhalikov, and others; People's Artist of the USSR Vassily Lanovoi is the narrator.
"Last year, we widely celebrated Gamzatov’s 90th anniversary in Daghestan, Moscow, and many Russian regions; and "My Daghestan. Confession" is another monument to Rasul Gamzatov, another remembrance of the great poet," commented Daghestani Head.
Upon seeing the film, organizers of the Moscow film festival, critics, journalists, and Daghestan intelligentsia gathered together to share their good impressions. In the end, Ramazan Abdulatipov informed the participants that September 8, on Rasul Gamzatov’s birthday, there will be a great opening night of the film – a big cultural event for Daghestan and Russia.