Nearly 860 thousand tourists visit Dagestan in half year

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According to the Ministry of Tourism of Dagestan, the flow of tourists to the region has increased by 8% in the first half of the year, reaching 856 thousand people. In the first half of 2023, 792 thousand visitors visited region.

As to Emin Merdanov, the Ministry head, passenger traffic at Makhachkala Airport grew by 4.1% during the same period, totaling almost 1.3 million passengers.

Speaking to media, the tourism minister also highlighted some of the most popular attractions in Dagestan this year, such as the largest light and music fountain in Russia in Derbent, the Lun rocket plane in Naryn-Kala, the Sulak Gorge, the Samur Forest, the sights of the Akhtyn district, the Salta waterfall, the Old Kahib Towers, the Goor Towers, and Sarykum Barchan.

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