Regional young leaders’ forum "Chindirchero" to be held in Daghestan
Kamilla Ragimkhanova
1 минута
Makhachkala, July 30, 2014. A regional young leaders’ forum "Chindirchero" is scheduled to run from July 30 to August 2 in Akushinkiy district, Daghestan, the forum director, Chief expert of the department of youth affairs, sports and tourism of the municipal administration Gassan Magomedov told RIA "Dagestan".
The event attracting around 70 young Daghestani leaders is organized by Akusha administration, Daghestan ministry of youth affairs, Daghestan State University, and the DSU trade union organization. Kabardino-Balkaria will have 5 participants in the event.
Gassan Magomedov said the forum aims at developing leadership, organizational, and managerial skills among Daghestani youth, teaching them the basics of social engineering, and business and interpersonal communication. The forum will feature interactive, educational and creative platforms. The educational program was developed in partnership with Daghestan State University as part of the "Leader" regional school for training trade union leaders.
Popular public youth leaders, scholars, lecturers, political figures, municipal and state officials will perform as lecturers and coaches, they are: 1st deputy minister of press and information Zubairu Zubairuev, Vice DSU Rector Magomed Gassanov, and others.
After the training series, all forum participants are to develop and present their social, economic and other type projects helping resolve social problems and boosting socio-economic development of Akushinkiy district.