Bashir Tazhdinov wins Eurasian professional kickboxing championship

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Makhachkala, June 27, 2014. Kizlyarsk district native Bashir Tazhdinov won the Eurasian professional kickboxing championship, the press service of the municipal administration informed RIA "Daghestan". 8 professionals from CIS countries and Russian regions fought for the title at the latest Russian kickboxing tournament "Hope of Daghestan" for Olympic champion S. Murtazaliyev’s prizes. RUB 1,500,000 is the prize money of the event organized by the Kizlyar region administration, the S. Murtazaliyev charity fund and the Kizlyar region children’s and youth sports school.

2 clubmates from the "Matador" club, Kizlyar region, - Ramazan Razakov and Bashir Tazhdinov qualified for the final. 2013 Russian champion Bashir Tazhdinov won the even fight 150:146. Head coach of the Russian team Vadim Ukraintsev presented him with the cup and the winner belt. Chairman of the Sagid Murtazaliyev charity fund Akhmedpasha Amirilaev gave Tazhdinov a large monetary award; all fighters got good cash prizes as well. The Dagestan team also won the team standings, Ingushetia was the 2nd, and the Kazakhstan team placed 3rd.

"The Russian tournament "Hope of Daghestan" is an annual event well-known far beyond Russia. This year's tournament brought together teams from Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Belarus and Azerbaijan. We are confident that the prize money, the good organization and hospitality are helping us extend the geography of our tournament," said chief referee of the event Akhmed Akhmedov.

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