Daghestan athletes obtain nine medals at the World Cup on Mixed Martial Arts

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Makhachkala, June 17, 2014. Daghestani athletes gained nine medals at the World Cup on Mixed Martial Arts, held in Anapa on June 8 - 11, the coach of sports club "Novolac" Badawi Gassanov said.

More than 500 athletes from over 30 countries took part in the competitions. By results of the tournament, Daghestanis took 4 golds, 4 silvers and 1 bronze medals. Georgiy Shatirshivili (up to 30 kg), Hadzhimurad Alibagandov (up to 77 kg), Dzhamalutdin Gapaev (up to 66 kg), Magomedali Ramazanov (up to 78 kg) became the winners of the championship.

As to Badawi Gassanov, by results of the European Cup, Daghestanis sportsmen  win vouchers to participate in World Championships, that will be held in Italy on September 2014.

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