Tennis player Arslanbek Temirkhanov wins Tennis Europa Luzniki tournament in Moscow
Shamil Kurbanov
1 минута
Moscow, May 21, 2015. Dagestani Arslanbek Temirkhanov won the Tennis Europa Luzniki junior tournament held May 11-17 in Moscow, athlete’s father Abdurakhman Temirkhanov told RIA Dagestan.
"At the tournament, Arslanbek performed in two championships - singles and doubles, – the father said.- He won the doubles where he had 4 games. In singles, he reached the final. His play impressed old-timer of the national coaching team Shamil Tarpishchev, who at the end of the tournament congratulated Arslanbek with the results and said that his great victories are still yet to come."
In singles, Arslanbek Temirkhanov defeated Alexander Nekhoroshiy 6:0, 6:1, David Minivaliev 6:3, 6:2, Avtor Gukasian 1:6, 6:0, 6:0, Chingiz Kabirov (second racket of the Russian youth team) 6:4, 6:4, and in the finals he lost to Aristarkh Safonov (Russian champion and winner of the unofficial world championship) 1:6, 6:4, 3:6.
Former top-ranked Dinara Safina attended the ceremony of awarding Arslanbek Temirkhanov.