Training schools in four sports to be created in Dagestan

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Four new sports schools will be created in Dagestan. They will teach grappling, rugby, equestrian sports and water sports. The resolution on the creation of state budgetary institutions has been signed by the chairman of the republican government A.Amirkhanov.

The activities of the State Budgetary Institution RD "Sports School Agat" will be aimed at the development and popularization of grappling, the State Budgetary Institution RD "Sports School for Rugby" will develop and popularize rugby, the State Budgetary Institution RD" Sports School "Uzden" will promote the development of equestrian sports and the State Budgetary Institution RD "Parus" will work on sports training programs in water sports in accordance with the federal standards.

Besides, the institutions will provide training for the sports reserve of the regional teams.

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