Juice producers in Dagestan achieved profit in 2023

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Almost all large and big canneries and juice factories ended 2023 with a profit. According to the reporting data, both the net profit and the sales revenue increased. For example, in 2023 the Deneb factory made a net profit of 108.2 million rubles. In 2022 it was 77.5 million rubles.

Another plant, Iribe, achieved a net profit of 4.1 million rubles, compared to 2.1 million rubles in 2022. The Shirvan juice plant's sales revenue in 2023 was 72 million rubles, while in 2022 the company earned 66.1 million rubles.

However, the Kikuninsky cannery failed to make a profit last year, having barely recovered from a long shutdown. However, the company managed to reduce its debt from 384 million rubles to 11.1 million rubles. No data on financial results for 2023 could be found in the Spark reporting system for other canneries and juice producers.

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