I am proud of being part of creating striking significant projects in Dagestan – Rassul Hanbalaev


Makhachkala, April 10, 2015. PromZhilStroyInvest Design and Construction Company LLC deals with construction of buildings of any purpose. They offer a wide range of services fr om drafting project documentation to landscaping the adjacent territory in Moscow and Moscow region. They also restore and reconstruct historical monuments, actively develop power construction, even possess an FSB license to work with national security information. Honoured Builder of Dagestan, CEO of  PromZhilStroyInvest Rassul Hanbalaev told RIA Dagestan about the enterprise.

Mr. Hanbalaev, PromZhilStroyInvest has been known in the Moscow market for years. Which construction objects were the most memorable for you?

- We have worked with Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University for several years. We restored the skin clinic of the university; that was our design, too. There were lots of difficulties, though. It was a 5,000 square meter building ​​built a long time ago, even before the 1917 revolution. We had to adapt it to the requirements imposed on medical care facilities with preserving the historical appearance of the unique building. And we succeeded.

That was far not the end of our collaboration with the Sechenov University. We put order in their clinical and diagnostic center, in 2013 we built a three-story medical building and repaired a two-story medical building of the Center for Restorative Medicine and Rehabilitation located in Hmolino village, Istra district of Moscow region. We also conducted a preliminary survey of the existing building to make a project. We worked in close collaboration with chief physician of the clinic Yuri Morkhov. He is very concerned about the medical institution and seeks to do as much as possible for it.

- What else were you working with in 2014?

- A very interesting and at the same time a difficult object was the Expromt children's musical theater where our company made a major overhaul. The theater is located on the ground floor of a residential building; that had to be taken into account in arranging and conducting the renovations. We did a great job. We replaced the entire engineering system, installed a modern ventilation and fire alarm systems. We paid much attention to sound insulation. We fully renovated the walls, ceilings and floors. The management of the theater was satisfied with our job.

I'll mention one more major facility of 2014. It is somewhat different – a big boiler room in the military unit located in the Moscow suburbs. The boiler provides hot water to the military unit and half of the city's houses. We are installing new equipment meeting today’s requirements.

We also dealt with a few socially-minded objects last year. Our company made an emergency repair of the heating system in the Taganskiy social center and renovated the office building of the Social Security Board of the Northern Administrative District.

- Mr. Hanbalaev, I have a personal question. How did you start your way in construction? Why do you like this work?

- I graduated from the Faculty of Civil Engineering of Dagestan Polytechnic Institute, then I was distributed to the DagestanGrazhdanProekt organization wh ere for many years I worked as a designer. I am proud of having the title of an Honoured Builder of Dagestan. I am proud of being part of creating so many striking significant projects in the republic like Komsomolskiy Prospect (now Nasrutdinov Prospect) – a major road artery of Makhachkala, a sports complex for 5,000 spectators, and other objects. I do love my job - it's nice to see the outcome of what you do.

- Thank you for the interview.

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