Interfaith Youth Forum opens in Dagestan

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On 2 October, the XI International Interreligious Youth Forum has opened in Dagestan. The event is attended by the representatives of youth organizations, experts from Russia’s regions, as well as from near and far abroad, and the leaders of the regional religious communities and heads of the relevant ministries. The prime minister of Dagestan Abdulmuslim Abdulmuslimov opened the Foru with a welcoming speech.

“The International Interreligious Youth Forum is a landmark event for our multinational and multi-confessional republic, making a significant contribution to strengthening peace and harmony, interaction and joint work among the representatives of all faiths, development of high spiritual, moral and ethical values in the modern generation of Russian youth" - Abdulmuslimov said.

The heads of religious communities greeted the Forum participants and noted the importance of holding the event for the 11th time. In his speech, Archbishop Varlaam of Makhachkala and Grozny pointed out the importance of providing spiritual and moral guidance for the young people today.

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