Italian dentist to hold master class in Dagestan

1 минута
Makhachkala, December 3, 2015. The Italian dentist Walter Davota will hold a master class in Dagestan, the assistant of the department of dentistry in Dagestan State Medical Academy, Jamal Kudaev reports.

"The regular meeting, aimed at improving the skills of Dagestan dentists, will take place in Makhachkala on 12 December. During the master class, attended by more than 60 dentists fr om the cities and districts of the republic, the Italian specialist will explicate the basic concepts of prosthetic dentistry and planning of orthopedic rehabilitation, "- Kudaev noted.

Speaking about the Italian dentist, Jamal Kudaev told that Walter Davota graduated with honors from the Faculty of Dentistry of the University of Genoa (Italy), wh ere later taught the orthopedic, therapeutic and children's dentistry in the department of postgraduate education. W. Davota currently teaches at the International University of Catalonia in Barcelona (Spain), in the course of post-graduate dental education.

Dr. Davota is an author and co-author of a number of articles published in the specialized international journals, as well as the author of the textbook chapters devoted to the orthopedic and aesthetic dentistry. W. Davota actively gives lectures and master classes in Europe and outside. The Italian dentist leads and works in his clinics in Sestri Levante and Portofino (Italy) and cooperates with the leading European surgeons specialized in the aesthetic dental treatment.


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