Dagestan first in handicrafts production in Russia – Yussuf Umavov

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Makhachkala, March 17, 2015. In 2014, Dagestan again was the first in the country in handicrafts production, said republican minister of industry, trade and investment Yussuf Umavov in an interview with RIA Dagestan. As compared with 2013, the production volume had increased to reach 1,023.5 million rubles.
"Last year we did a great job to revive the previously lost folk arts and crafts, including Sulevkent and Ispik ceramics and production of carpets and rugs coloured with natural dyes," the minister said.

"For the first time in 15 years, we have put into operation a new carpet shop in Zildik village, Hiv region, as part of the state-owned Mezhgyulskaya Carpet Factory, a number of folk crafts factories were opened in Dagestani regions, a new administrative and production building on Gotsatl Art Works was put into operation to employ 100, the Kubachi Art Works was repaired, we organized participation of Dagestani folk arts and crafts enterprises in national and international exhibitions and fairs, and provided great assistance to other manufacturers in this field," Umavov summarized.

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