Dagestan Head attends business breakfast at Russian Investment Forum

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Makhachkala, March 1, 2017. On February 28, Dagestan Head Ramazan Abdulatipov took part in the business breakfast at the Russian Investment Forum in Sochi on "Caspian transport-logistics complex: the potential of trade-economic and investment cooperation”, the press service of Dagestan Head and Government administration reports.

The head of the Federal Agency for Nationalities Igor Barinov who supported the initiative of the big project implementation, in particular, noted:

"We observe a positive trend in the region nowadays. Some problems were solved, the others timely localized, but this tranquility can be disrupted. We need to continue to develop the progress achieved. We also should remember that the North Caucasian Federal District continues to be "at the forefront" in countering extremism. Despite this, together we can make the Caucasus a thriving, dynamic and investment-attractive region".

Dagestani Head, in his turn, pointed out the key topics of discussion: the strengthening of the Russian geo-strategic position in the Caspian direction, the diversification of traffic routes in the South of Russia, the contribution of the project "Caspian transport-logistics center" in the socio-economic development of the South of Russia.

The Russian Minister for Northern Caucasus Affairs Lev Kuznetsov summed up the discussion: "The key objective of the project – the positioning of the Russian Federation in the region in terms of the geopolitical aspects (to have alternative transportation chord in relation to the Black Sea, the Suez Canal, and the Persian Gulf).

This is a question of socio-economic development of regions. Of course, it also refers to the development of the country as whole, improvement of the quality of life of citizens and attraction of the private investments. "

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