Dagestani Head attends ceremony of delivering annual Presidential Address to Federal Assembly

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Moscow, December 4, 2015.  On December 3, Dagestani Head Ramazan Abdulatipov participated in the ceremony of delivering annual Putin’s Address to Federal Assembly.  The official event took place in the St. George Hall of the Kremlin, which brought together the members of the Federation Council and State Duma, the regional leaders, public figures, representatives of religious denominations. Dagestan was also represented by the chairman of Dagestan National Assembly Khizri Shihsaidov.

Commenting to reporters on the Russian President’s annual message to the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, Abdulatipov pointed out that the issues of countering the international terrorism were the most important for the region.

"Dagestan, unfortunately, remains the main target of terrorists’ attacks. We have already lived without terror attacks for a year and a half. I can even say that we defeated the terrorism. The experience of the Republic of Dagestan and, of course, Russia, should be used in the fight against the terrorism worldwide ", - Dagestani Head noted.

Speaking about the formation of favorable investment climate in the republic, Ramazan Abdulatipov noted that the socio-political situation in Dagestan had stabilized due to the increase in private investments. Besides, Abdulatipov once again noted the high organizational level of celebration of the 2000th anniversary of the ancient city of Russia - Derbent in September 2015:

"The number of tourists to the city of Derbent has increased in more than 20 times. Besides, more than a thousand of highly comfortable hotels for tourists have been constructed in Derbent and its localities".

In an interview with reporters, Ramazan Abdulatipov also touched upon the problems of combating corruption. As to the Head of the region, the republican authorities are actively engaged in the corruption combating activity:

"Dagestan takes one of the leading postions on the fight against corruption. We have created a special service to resolve this problem. Only in 2015, the two ministers, several deputy ministers and heads of districts and towns were dismissed on charges of corruption. We have to change people's mind and improve their attitudes to the government", - Dagestani Head concluded.

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