10th Inter-regional exhibition "Gold of Russia" - "World of Stone" kicks off in capital of Dagestan
Alesya Dibiralieva
2 минуты
Makhachkala, December 18, 2015. The X International Specialized Jewelry Exhibition "Gold of Russia" - "World of Stone" has opened today, Dec. 17, in the exhibition hall of the National Library named after R.Gamzatov in Makhachkala.
Opening the event, the head of the Folk Art and Crafts Department of the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Investments RD Gamzat Gazimagomedov welcomed the participants of the exhibition on behalf of the republican leadership.
"Once again we meet here in the capital of Dagestan, and once again we confirm the fact that Dagestan has all the possibilities to host such exhibitions with the participation of representatives of the other regions. This indicates about the stability in the republic, the dynamic development of the economy and the increasing investment attractiveness", - Gazimagomedov noted.
According to Gazimagomedov, any visitor to the event can buy exclusive jewelery. "The manufacturers who repeatedly proven the quality of their products and earned the trust of customers presented their best products. Besides, the exhibition organizers present a small exposition of Dagestan trades.
In total, more than 40 manufacturers presented their products for the jewelry exhibition, including, in particular, "Adamas", "Aquamarine", "Seven Diamonds", the Ural jewelry factory and others.
Noteworthy, the purpose of the exhibition is to promote jewelry companies to establish partnerships with distributors, trading companies, wholesalers and end-users of Dagestan and the Northern Caucasus, who wish to purchase not only the classical decoration and small-scale mass production, but also the author's exclusive models.
The Republican exhibition center "Dagestan-Expo" with the support of the administration of the Head and Government RD, the republican ministries and departments, the mayor's office of Makhachkala, the Jewelers’ Guild of Russia, the Russian State Assay Chamber and the Caspian state inspection of assay supervision, whose representatives are traditionally present at the event are the organizers of the X Inter-regional specialized jewelry exhibition "Gold of Russia" - "World of Stone".