Dagestan medical institutions to receive 10 CT devices

Makhachkala, June 16, 2020. As to D. Gajiyibragimov, the Public Health Minister of the Republic of Dagestan, 10 medical devices worth RUR 310 million will be installed in medical institutions of the region in 2020. All the necessary funds have been allocated by the republican budget.

It is noted that the computer tomography devices will be distributed among those hospitals that have a primary need for them. So, one of the tomographs will be delivered to Izberbash Central City Hospital.

“We all observe big queues for passing medical examination on this unit. The purchase of the new tomograph will significantly reduce the queue. Thanks to timely diagnosis of serious diseases, including pneumonia caused by coronavirus infection, the patients may proceed to treatment" - Gajiyibragimov is quoted saying.

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