Dagestanis joins All-Russian action "To work by bicycle"
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Makhachkala, May 20, 2017. The Dagestanis did not stand aside and joined the All-Russian bicycle action, which started May 19 in 60 cities of the country. Thus, the staff of the Coordination Information and Cultural Centre of the Ministry of Press and Information of the Republic of Dagestan came to work by bicycles that day, having overcome a 5-kilometer distance.
The staff of the State Financial Control Service RD also participated in the All-Russian action. On the Day of the action some employees used no personal cars and public transport, the press service of the control body reports.
In the action participants’ opinion, the use of bicycles as a vehicle to get to work helps improve the environment and maintain a good physical shape. Besides, participants of the action noted, there is a huge opportunity to avoid traffic jams and arrive to work in time. Recall the first All-Russian action "To work by bicycle" was held in 37 cities of Russia in 2016.
It was then attended by more than 90 thousand people. In connection with the mobility of the bicycles, the convenience and modern requirements for life, the Ministry of Transport of Russia recommended that the federal executive authorities, the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and the local authorities conduct the "To work by bicycle" campaign twice a year - on the third Friday of May and September. To become a member of the action, one can register on the site: http://russia.bike2work.ru. The All-Russian action "To work by bicycle", timed to the Day of the cyclist, will last until June 2.