Daghestan ministry of youth affairs launches new project "GODEKAN Club"

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Makhachkala, September 5, 2014. Daghestan ministry of youth affairs is launching a youth project named "GODEKAN Club" (‘godekan’ is a central square, a major place for public discussions and events with Caucasian peoples), a source in the ministry reports.

The project aims at providing a discussion and analytical platform for disputing on youth problems and other critical issues in Daghestan.

The club’s first session will be a discussion of the documentary "Denying the negative" (a well-known anti-Islamist extremism film). The meeting is 6 pm, September 9, the "Friend-Zone" anti-cafe, 24 Akushinsky Avenue, Makhachkala. Here, participants will watch the film and discuss the memorable events of 1999 (an Islamist intervention in Daghestan). The discussion will hear socially active youth, bloggers, clergy, and local authorities.

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