Eight social facilities to be put into operation under federal target program "South of Russia" in Dagestan

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Makhachkala, June 13, 2015. In 2015, the federal target program "South of Russia" envisages the construction and commissioning of 15 social infrastructure facilities In Dagestan, the Ministry of Economy and Regional Development RD informs. Of these, 8 elements of social welfare and infrastructure are planned to be put into operation till the end of the year.

In addition, two hospitals for 120 and 78 beds respectively will be put into operation in the village of Gunib in Gunibsky district and the village of Arany in Khunzakhsky district of Dagestan.  Besides, 6 schools designed for 3762 thousand pupils are on the stage of full completion in the cities of Makhachkala and Khasavyurt.

The ministry official also reported about 185 million rubles allocated by the Russian federation Ministry for Public Health and Social Development for the implementation of target program.  The allocation of the next tranche in the amount of 431.5 million rubles is expected this month.

The subdivisions of the RF Ministry of Construction construct the sewage treatment facilities in the city of Derbent, engineering infrastructure in the city of Makhachkala and undertake prophylactic activities for the reservoir and tailrace of Gotsatlinskaya HPS. The total amount of funds allocated for these purposes exceeds 235 million rubles.

As for the education sphere, the republic is building 9 objects worth more than 1 billion 197 million rubles. Noteworthy, in the past year Dagestan built 57 social facilities, including 15 education facilities for 2949 pupils, 27 kindergartens for 3980 thousand children, 4 health improving facilities and 11 feldsher's stations.

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