Moscow cultural center “Dagestan” celebrates 25th anniversary

2 минуты
Makhachkala, December 8, 2015. A gala concert dedicated to the 25th anniversary of Moscow cultural center will take place in the Palace of Culture of Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys on December 12, the Institute administration officer says.

The official part of the event consists of a video presentation on the activities of the MСС "Dagestan", the congratulations from part of the Permanent Mission of the Republic of Dagestan to the President of Russia Izumrud Mugutdinova, the representatives of the Department for national policy, inter-regional relations and tourism of the Government of Moscow, Moscow House of Nationalities and different national and cultural associations of Moscow.

A gala concert with participation of famous pop stars of Dagestan and special guests of the festival – the residents of COMEDY CLUB, Duet "DA" - Magomed Murtazaliyev and Makhmud Guseynov will become the main event of the evening.

Besides, the guests will enjoy the performances of a virtuoso tightrope walker Rasul Abakarov, the legendary ensemble "Lezginka" and a show by the Fashion House “LILIBANET”.

As to the spokesperson, before the gala concert the visitors can get acquainted with the exposition of national costumes, exhibitions of folk dolls and products of Dagestan arts and crafts and to taste the national Dagestani cuisine.

For years, Moscow Cultural Centre "Dagestan" plays an invaluable role in attracting the Muscovites to the artistic heritage of the peoples of Dagestan, preserving the countrymen’s reverent attitude to the merits of their famous ancestors.

For Muscovites all activities of the MCC "Dagestan" is a unique opportunity to contact with the original art of Dagestan masters, ancient folk customs, the famous cuisine. Over the years the Center of Culture has become an essential pillar of support for many countrymen who arrived in the capital, particularly encouraging "spiritual center", fueling the love for the motherland.

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