ORENAIR airlines starts regular flights from Moscow to Makhachkala

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Makhachkala, July 23, 2015. The ORENAIR airlines starts execution of regular flights from Moscow to Makhachkala on July 27, the airport administrative department head Imara Abumislimova informed the  RIA "Dagestan". "The weekly flights to the capital of Dagestan will be carried out from the international airport "Vnukovo" in the aircraft Boeing 737-800. The flights to Makhachkala will be performed under commercial management of PJSC "Aeroflot" - Abumislimova said.

The average cost of a ticket from Makhachkala to Moscow via ORENAIR will make 8230 rubles. Tickets to both sides will cost 14,460 rubles.

Noteworthy, the JSC "Orenburg airlines" dates back to 1932. To date, the company is among the ten most successful Russian airlines, trafficing annually more than 3 million passengers.

The route network of the company includes flights on scheduled and charter destinations. The fleet  of ORENAIR JSC consist of reliable and comfortable aircrafts such as the Boeing 737-800 and Boeing 777-200ER. The main priority in work of the company is safety. In 2010, the JSC "Orenburg Airlines" entered into the register of operators IOSA, confirming successful IOSA certificate in 2014. ORENAIR is the multiple winner of national aviation competition "Wings of Russia".

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