Alvisa Group of Companies launches grape processing plant in Dagestan

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The investments in the plant amounts to approx. RUR 2 billion. In the period from August to October, the plant received over 22,000 tons of grapes, accounting for about 10% of the total harvest in the republic, which was a record this year. In Dagestan more than 264,000 tons have been harvested in 2022, that is 37.8% prevail over the last year indices.

The plant is located near the city of Derbent. Its commissioning created more than 200 jobs in the region. According to the company's press service, the enterprise is equipped with the high-tech modern equipment.

"The new production is equipped with a modern laboratory, carefully assessing the quality of grapes in each machine with modern probes and analytical instruments for acidity, sugar content and other important parameters" - the company officer says.
It was also noted that for the production of high-quality products, the enologists from Argentina and Spain arrived in Dagestan to work at the winery.

It is expected that the plant will reach its full capacity in the first quarter of 2023. By 2024, the company plans to develop wine tourism, to popularize the Dagestanskiye Vino brand and to get engaged in import substitution in the winemaking industry.

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